Pandemic Poetry: LOVE in the Time of COVID


Grateful for

what God has given us,

we have of late,

been considering down-sizing…

but we are discovering

just how “SMALL”

this place really is

when three people

and two dogs

are now all here,

all the time





from home!

The world slows down to a crawl…

Our immediate needs

Of toilet paper, germicide,

and stockpiled staples…

become trivial…

pale in contrast to the

cold, horrific images

of dying patients

in New York hospital wards

full of doctors and nurses

in space suits…

the absence of

family, friends

and humanity

silently screams

in our heads

as we sit transfixed

in front of our flat screens

searching for the remote

to turn off the HD

and easy some of the

COVID reality series

That plays on our screens


Instincts, Indicators and Intimacy in Isolation

New Beginnings

It’s Monday morning.

After an ‘extended Spring Break,’

the “new normal”

in my household

includes three people

“working from home.”

I’m setting up

a ‘teaching and learning space’

I’ll lovingly refer to as ‘my office’

in the guest room upstairs;

My daughter who works

at an online pharmacy

has taken over her dad’s office

so that she can connect directly

to the router and

avoid HIPPA violations;

…and then there’s my husband

who has been ‘kicked out’

of his ‘home office’

and is setting up

his ‘new office’

in the media room!

Add two dogs,

Luigi (a ten-year-old Bichon)


Snoopy (a 5-month-old Beagle)

who seem to be ecstatic

that we are all at home

without understanding

that our being here

doesn’t mean

‘unlimited play-time’!

Self Portrait: Martha’s Daughter

I am aware, I’m Martha’s daughter

I wonder how the Mockingbird knows all God’s songs

I hear dragons whisper on moonless nights

I see fairies dance in sunbeams through the blinds

I want to write a novel in November

I am aware, I’m Martha’s daughter


I pretend I have a plan

I feel like Spring in Winter

I touch the souls of lost children

I worry that I won’t be heard

I am aware, I’m Martha’s daughter


I understand teaching is my ministry

I say I’m writing my own story

I dream I’ll change their lives forever

I try to reach them and touch their hearts of gold

I hope they will discover their wings and soar

I am aware I’m Martha’s daughter


I am so sorry
You are struggling, but I
won’t be part of your
personal pity party
your projection stings us both


Poetry & Photography

Screen Shot 2019-04-02 at 10.42.29 AM Norma Ochoa Urban-Palomarez


Rosie … (The Tarantula)


MOLTS-reinventing herself

leaves her past behind

sheds her Exoskeleton

heads bravely toward her future


Poetry & Photography

 Screen Shot 2019-04-02 at 10.42.29 AM Norma Ochoa Urban-Palomarez

A Fly to Honey

Nature teaches us

symbiosis rules the world

Nectar attracts flies

Primary Pollinators

Bee & Wasp Imitators

Screen Shot 2019-04-02 at 10.42.29 AM Poetry & Photography by

  Norma Ochoa Urban-Palomarez

Water Lily

Beautiful Blossom

Ancient ornamental fire

Symbol of the Sun

 Fabulous Floating Flowers

Irresistible to Sprites


Screen Shot 2019-04-02 at 10.42.29 AM Photos & Poetry

Norma Ochoa Urban-Palomarez





says “Arachnophilia”

means “love of SPIDERS,”

metaphor for the task of

“Building on the WORLD WIDE WEB”



frightening fascination

 Spider and World Wide Webs…

From Arachnophobia

 to Arachnophilia 


Spiders & Websites

Creatively conquered “fears”

both made beautiful

through the lens of my Canon

 and Laptop Word Press Software


I have encountered

many beautiful SPIDERS

and I’ve created

many beautiful WEBSITES



Screen Shot 2019-04-02 at 10.42.29 AMPHOTOS & POETRY by Norma Ochoa Urban-Palomarez


The Green Lynx

Translucent Spider

Camouflaged Cactus dweller

Hexagonal Head

long spindly spiny legs

spins and fills her egg sack full

Poetry & Pictures Screen Shot 2019-04-02 at 10.42.29 AM Norma Ochoa Urban-Palomarez





the Caterpillar

To fulfill his destiny-


him to


who he was

all along…

Our Pasts

Do Not



Our Pasts



Our Pasts

Give us


Screen Shot 2019-04-02 at 10.42.29 AM.png Photos & Poetry

Norma Ochoa Urban-Palomarez



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